Wednesday 12 December 2007

Al Qaeda and Diamonds

"New Detailts are emerging of links between al- Qaeda and illicit trade in so- called " blood diamonds" bought from rebel groups in Africa." - Lucy Jones, BBC.

Reports show that a while before September 11th, al-qaeda converted approximately $10 million into diamonds to clear their debt. This money also enabled them to have enough money to carry out one of the largues terrorist attacks in history!
Members of al-qaeda are thought to have bought conflict diamonds from Liberia and from rebels in Sierra Leone.
Another rebel group known as Hezbollah is also known to have raised funds through conflict diamonds. Liberia of course denys any such activies ever taking place.

The equation is simple;


"Because they failed their mission, when they are retreating, I met with them, six of them. They caught me. They placed me in a mango tree. They chopped both arms with an ax. They said, you'll never vote again,"

Abubakrr Kargbo

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