Wednesday 12 December 2007

Kanye West,Hip Hop, Beyonce, Catherine Zeta Jones

"Ironic that what makes black people feel so empowered was completely
demoralising and destroying other black people."

This quote was taken from Kanye West, who though he is associated with Hip Hop, his single,
"Diamonds from Sierra Leone," discussed the terrible conditions and aimed to educate people about the diamond industry.

Here are a few lyrics taken from his music;

"Though it's thousands of miles away
Sierra Leone connect to what we go through today
Over here,its a drug trade, we die from drugs
Over there, they die from what we buy from drugs
The diamonds,the chains, the bracelets, the charmses
I thought my Jesus Piece was so harmless."

Some of the worlds biggest stars, support such a revolting trade.
Here is Kate Moss at a De Beers Fashion Show - The Company that killed 50, 000 people when obtaining diamonds.

In February this year, at the Academy Awards in the U.S, after the release of Blood diamond, stars such as Beyonce were seen on the red carpet, sporting diamonds. De Beers started a campaign for women, called "Raise your Right Hand," where it asks women to wear big diamonds on their right hand.

Ironically enough, this is also the hand, that if raised gives signal to the RUF (Revolutionary United Front), to chop off hands!

"Call me old fashioned but nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a big rock," Catherine Zeta Jones
Jennifer Lopez currently owns a £3 million pink diamond from her latest husband.

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